Sustainable clothing as a revolution!
The way we consume changes the world. The
sustainable path is being chosen by more and more people and from
Vagabondians we believe in this way of consuming and living.
We believe that it is important to know what we are buying and to do it in a conscious way always from our possibilities
no pressure. Every change we make is good and contributes to change!
There are many ways to practice
responsible consumption in all sectors, as there are alternatives of all kinds; from ecological products, organic beauty, fair trade, ethical banking, renewable energy and of course
sustainable fashion , where are we ?!
In our blog today we want to inform about various concepts related to
fashion and
sustainability that we think can be useful when we go shopping
clothes .
Check it out !!
Cotton VS Organic cotton
Cotton is a vegetable fiber widely used for the manufacture of fabrics and clothing.
Organic cotton is the one that is grown free of toxic substances such as fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides of petrochemical origin. The seeds used are not transgenic.
t-shirts are 100% organic cotton. The designs are made with ecological ink using screen printing, an artisanal technique.
Polyester VS Recycled Polyester:
Polyester is a synthetic fiber widely used in the textile industry. It comes from plastic and is obtained by a chemical reaction. 100% polyester garments tend to have stronger colors, sometimes the fabric can have even glossy finishes. We do not like these pieces because of their synthetic touch, because they come from plastic in their entirety and because their durability is lower.
sweatshirts Nagi and Nature were in its beginning 100% cotton but they were deformed and shrunk when washed. They now have 50% polyester. This mixture means that the pieces do not deform or shrink without losing their organic touch.
Recycled polyester is exactly the same as normal but is made from recycled plastic.
Fair Trade:
It is a type of commerce that puts people and the planet first. In the Fashion industry there are so many injustices so it is very important that we support this type of trade since dignity is promoted between the producer and consumer in order to improve the conditions of people and to fight against poverty and inequality.
Through dialogue and participation, ethical prices are established for all.
Our clothes comply with fairness and justice and yes, we earn less money but we all earn it fairly.
Local Product:
The local product is the one that is marketed in the same territory where it is produced, whether it is a locality, the region, with the aim of limiting transportation needs.
We make clothes in
Barcelona and that is where our trade is born :) At festival times we sell them in Europe and since we opened the website we have shipped all over the world.
Sustainable Fashion:
Sustainable fashion is a healthy alternative to conventional fashion, since it is based on environmental care, respects the human rights of textile workers, and health protection by being made with natural materials free of toxic components. It is like a global aspect of all the concepts that we have just named.
The planet has a limit and that is why we have to take care of it now!
We believe that it is important to know that it is in our hands that the economy is more
sustainable and that the companies that have power do it better.
Every day with our choices when it comes to buying we are creating the life we want to live, there is no planet B.