Today we want to share with you the recipe for our laundry soap.
We do it ourselves and it is very easy, inexpensive and more sustainable.
Do you know that conventional washing machine detergent pollutes the water in rivers and oceans a lot? And it contains many unnecessary chemicals that deteriorate clothes faster, contaminate water and can even cause allergies and changes in our skin.
However, the soap that we are going to show you only contains 3 ingredients and makes your clothes look great!
The three ingredients we need are:
· A bar of natural soap (we use glycerin soap).
·Baking soda
· Your favorite essential oil . It can be lavender, rosemary, cedar, cinnamon ... it will give a special touch to your clothes!
The process of making the soap is:
Grate the soap to fill a glass of water (200gr) and put 3 liters of water in a pot to heat.
When the water is very hot (without boiling), we turn off the heat, add the soap and we go around until it dissolves completely.
Little by little we add a spoon of bicarbonate (and I say little by little because it can cause a reaction and foam) and we keep turning until a homogeneous liquid is left.
Then we add another liter of water and move.
Finally we pour a few good drops of our essential oil.
We let it cool down for about 6 hours, it will become more consistent. If we see that it is very dense, we have added too much soap, so we will reheat everything and add more water until we have the consistency that we like.
You'll get about 4 liters of self-made, eco-friendly laundry detergent.
Join the change and encourage yourself to be more sustainable!