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Contact with nature, music, sports, fun, freedom, travel and a positive and carefree attitude towards life is what could define Vagabondians. A brand that was born in South East Asia and that travels back in time to settle in the city of Barcelona.

Vagabondians is a project that advances by the hand of its creator Marc and a variety of artists and professionals without whom this project would not exist. The creations you find in our brand are exclusive and created locally and using the largest amount of organic and sustainable products that are within our reach with fair and ethical production systems.

We create a line of urban, informal and timeless clothing, where we bet on the comfort and usefulness of our products in our day to day.

Vagabondians logo and name symbolize the journey through life. From the outside towards the center of the labyrinth we find the paths that we are taking over time. A constant, spontaneous, free path, full of experiences, learning, decisions and changes. A path that seeks to go out of the established and habitual to find a more conscious and flexible lifestyle.